Introducing UTBA Interviews

Back in January, Broadway and Off-Broadway producer Ken Davenport sired an idea that in all sense of the word was a bastard: the illegitimate Salt Lake City love child known as the UTBA. That late night fling with The Producer’s Perspective, ChicagoPlays, Independent Theatre Bloggers, the LA Stage Alliance, and Jeff Awards proved just the party to send us careening across the Wasatch Front. Granted, none of these patriarchs (maybe matriarchs) are aware of the UTBA’s existence (yet), but we’re here and we’re here to stay.

Taking a look at that gene pool it’s easy to see what potential lies with the UTBA. We are still a small volunteer organization surviving off the nickels and dimes that come from Google Ads right now (though donations for web maintenance are appreciated). But we’re laying the groundwork for great things to come.

This week I’d like to introduce you to one of those great things.

Taking a page from good ole dad, the UTBA will begin featuring quick 10-question interviews with some of the people that make Utah theatre great (and are pushing to make it better). In the interest of full disclosure, these questions were blatantly stolen from Pops while he was working on his latest producing projects.

Later today we’ll post the first of our UTBA 10-question interviews!